
Device Batteries Explained

Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rage at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

I swear, sometimes I think the battery in my phone reads Dylan Thomas. It's all very dramatic having a phone with a dying battery. The phone takes eons to charge, the percentage displayed on the screen is no longer an accurate indicator of how much gas is left in the tank, and then the phone shuts of at the most inopportune times.

Having a dying battery is only marginally better than one that is completely dead.

Modern phones use lithium ion batteries as their power source and it's actually quite amazing, but over time, every battery's performance will suffer. There is a finite number of charges in every battery before it starts to act up. So here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your battery.

Don't let your battery fully drain. Allowing the battery to go down to 0% will put a strain on it and over time will affect performance. Always try to keep a bit of charge in it.

Unplug the phone once it is fully charged. Another thing that will put strain on the battery is charging when full, like Mr Cresote's last wafer thin mint.

Water damage is a killer on batteries and in most cases, a battery replacement will be required. If you carry your phone everywhere you go, consider not taking it into the bathroom when you shower. You know all that condensation on your bathroom mirror? Yeah, that gets into your phone as well and is no bueno.

If you notice that your battery has inflated kind of like an over stuffed pillow, for goodness sake, take it to a professional to be repaired. In our industry, we call this an exploded battery, but if anything should accidentally pierce your battery, a real explosion could follow. Check out this video for what I mean (do not try this at home!).

So what do you do if you suspect your battery is no good any  more? Well, you know your phone best and if you are contentiously aware of a decrease in performance, you are almost certainly right. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done for that battery. The only option is replacement. If you have a phone with a removable battery, terrific! If you don't, no worries, just bring it in to Techrevive and we can replace your battery.

Don't forget to check out our website for all of your phone repair needs! www.techrevive.com.au


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