
There is a hilarious new video making the rounds on the internet. A pair of pranksters have loaded up Android onto an iPhone 6 and went around to Apple fans saying it was Apple's highly anticipated iOS 9. Many of the anticipated features of iOS 9 have already been available on Android for years, but that doesn't stop Apple fans from believing it's the cutting edge.

The appreciation bestowed upon this glorious new operating system is an ongoing testament to Apple's ability to make you believe their product is in all ways superior. That little apple on the back of your device seems to carry a pretty hefty premium, and Apple knows you will pay.

Here is the video for you to watch in all it's glory.

I can't argue with the build quality of an Apple device, they really do make a very good phone. But so do a lot of phone manufacturers. Maybe it's just the blind faith in a massive corporation that blatantly over charges it's customer simply for the right to sport a partially eaten piece of fruit on the back of their phones when there is perfectly suitable alternatives that cost a lot less out there and do all the same things, and in a lot cases, they do it better since those phones have the pedigree, that I find disturbing. Sorry for the run on sentence (sorry, not sorry!). Sometimes, it makes me feel a little bit sad for humanity...


In other news!!!   ...Apple's September 2015 launch event is just mere days away and we at Techrevive's Tech Talk just can't wait to see what Apple has up it's sleeve this year! What we can guarantee is that it will be on the cutting edge! Stay tuned for more exciting Apple news!

Don't forget to check out our website for all of your phone repair needs! www.techrevive.com.au


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