
Scientists Predict we could Digitally Copy our Brains by 2030

To live forever. Man has dreamed about this since he has been able to recognize his own being and ultimately, comprehend his own demise.

Mostly reserved for science fiction and fantasy, immortality may be creeping it's way into modern science. As it turns out, our brains are wired in much the same way a computer is, although it's wiring is far more complex. But with a combination of ever more powerful computers and nano-technology, scientists predict we may be able to upload a copy of our brains to a computer as early as 2030.

Which scientists? Well Stephen Hawking for one. He has said that "it is theoretically possible to copy the brain onto a computer, and so provide a form of life after death".

The theory, put simply, is that computers will be able to handle and store the massive amount of data gathered by nano particle bots that are injected into the body. These bots record a complete map of the neural pathways in the brain, and thus ones consciousness is preserved. And on top of that, you would also be able to communicate with this consciousness as if talking to that person on a video messaging app like Skype. But don't stop there, these people will also be able to communicate with each other via highly sophisticated networks between the computers.

"it is theoretically possible to copy the brain onto a computer, and so provide a form of life after death"

Wow that's heavy! It's a potential breakthrough for mankind akin to figuring out how to fly. We may truly be on the precipice of a most wonderful and exciting leap forward in our species evolution.

I just wonder what it would be like to have a proper conversation with myself. Would my digital copy be as freaked out as me? And will this type of technology become readily available to the common man? Will we back up our brains the same way we backup our phones? "Got a big night planned tonight! Better back up my brain before we go!"

While the technology may actually be on our doorstep, I am sure many moral implications and debates will have to be traversed before we see the first digital human being. But for the sake of mankind and the progression of the human race, I sincerely hope this nut is cracked in time to preserve Dr Hawking.

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