
Phone Storage Concerns

We've all been there. The dog get's a bucket stuck on his head and is going nuts. You grab for your phone to grab a hilarious video, already imagining the riches of appreciation that will be bestowed upon thou at being the next viral internet sensation. You point the camera and start shooting. Gold! Then, the dog starts to yip and it sounds exactly like Bull Dogs rap from Timber. Holy cow! This video will get you SOOO many thumbs up, thank god I was around to capture this on camera! Suddenly, the dog whips the bucket off its head, it bounces off the fence and ricochets into the basket ball net. SWOOSH! The dog looks directly at the camera, he bears his teeth in the most adorable doggy grin and poops a little rainbow. Aaaand cut! Perfect! Suddenly, as you look about your surroundings, the colours seem more vivid, the air is pure and you take a deep, satisfying breath and for once, you feel that everything is going to be just perfect because this is the best thing the internet will ever see....EVER. Fortune and Glory await my friend!

You look down at your phone the review your Wellsian mastery of cinematics. But something is not right. A warning? What, prey tell, could possibly ruin this of most glorious moments. Surely, this must be but an unrelated error. You look closely as the seemingly random assortment of letters begin to sear into your eyeballs. Synopses fire, and the connective tissues in your brain begins to analyse the message. You break out into a cold sweat, a sudden sense of vertigo over comes you. You look up, and the world suddenly seems a lot more grey, the dog has made himself scarce, and even the sun has disappeared behind a cloud, as if to hide from the inevitable fallout from this error message.

Your lips open and close silently, mouthing the words you see on the screen to see if you perhaps have misread, but, alas, you have not. You lower lip curls into your mouth, your top teeth press into them and your eyes bulge as air starts to hiss through your mouth. "ffffffffffffFFFFFFFFFF"

Wide shot of a large tree, birds, that had been resting in it's branches all fly away simultaneously from being startled by a very loud curse.

Low storage space, please delete some pictures to begin shooting video.

While your particular experience may not have been as dramatic as I have depicted here, we should all have a relatively good idea of the pain caused by lack of memory on our devices. Especially those of us that are snap happy. At one point in time, it used to be deleting your third cousin's pager number in your phone to make room for that cutie you met at your second cousin's birthday party. But now, as phones increase in power and as their cameras increase in resolution, it's the stored user data that tends to be the memory culprit.

The worst part is, when your phone is packed to the rafters with photos and videos, many of the core functions simply pack it all in and buy a baritone. This can be especially frustrating when you try to do basic things like back up your phone to your computer, or try to delete some data off your phone, but your phone will not let you as it hasn't got the free space to perform these actions.

We, as a technological society, have rapidly outgrown our 8gb onsies and are on the precipice of big boy pants, manifesting as phones with an incredible 128gb of internal storage. That is quite a lot. But, having said that, it wasn't too long ago that a phone with an entire gigabyte of internal storage was also viewed as incredible. Considering the exponential growth of digital storage, pretty soon 128gb will also feel like a tuppence.

In fact, the next wave of personal data storage may already be on our door step. Major phone developers seem to be opting to develop cloud storage rather than having their users keep all their precious data trapped inside a single device. This has it's advantages and disadvantages. Without a doubt, cloud storage is the future, but someone probably needs to let the telcos know, as this will chew up data allowances, just to do something simple, like view your photos. The rate at which cloud storage is progressing is outpacing the rates at which we pay for our data. Anyone heard of overage charges?

In fact, this progress into the cloud storage space has already had an apparent effect on the newest Samsung flagships being shipped in just a few months. Originally rumored to have a 128GB model in the Samsung S7 and Note 5 phones, Samsung has since pulled those specs from all official documentation and is pushing ahead with the cloud angle. This is further exasperated by Samsung's choice to do away with removable storage. So no more augmenting your storage space with a micro SD card (SD card? Uhg. That's so 2015).

So what do you, loyal reader, think of this migration of your personal data into the nebulosity? Are you excited that your photos will always be automatically backed up and safe? Are you worried about the strain this could put on your data allowance? Let us know in the comments below!

Don't forget to check out our website for all of your phone repair needs! www.techrevive.com.au


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