
Google's New Logo

Just about everyone you know has used Google in some form or another and as the years go by, the image changes. Without coinciding with anything in particular, Google is updating their image again. This comes in the form of a new logo, which is active on your google page right now!

The new logo is designed to reflect how much technology has changes and how differently we interact with Google products. It looks much better on a smart phone and other portable devices. The colours are softer than before and the sans-serif font makes it look playful (that and the "e" being slightly askew).

One of the more important factors into this new design was making it look good on a smaller screen and that it's actual size in bytes was smaller. This new logo clocks in at 305 bytes, compared to the previous version at 14,000 bytes. This definitely reflects the goal of trying to bring the internet and Google to all parts of globe, and tiny changes like this could make a big difference.

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