
The problem with Driverless Cars

We love all things Google. Where would we be without them? Altavista (lulz)? Ask Jeeves (I don't think so)? Bing?!...   Well, in this article I want to talk about one of their projects that, by now, almost everyone should have heard of. It's the driverless car program and Google is spearheading the cause.

Like they have done with so many other projects, like Google Maps and Street View, Google wants to once again change the way we drive forever! But there is one major problem with the driverless car system (and this isn’t really much of a surprise); everyone else on the road.

Last month, Google sent one of their cars out (with a safety driver to override the car if needs be, of course) on a trial run. The little mousy looking Google car approached a crosswalk, and applied the brakes to come safely to a stop and allow the pedestrians to cross. While the pedestrians were perfectly fine, the poor Google car was not as it got rear ended by someone driving a Sedan behind it.

Back in 2009, while doing some early tests, they discovered another issue. The car and it's sensors are designed to follow the road rules down to the letter. One of the major road rules at a four-way intersection (this is generally what Americans use instead of a round-about) is that a car must come completely to a stop before proceeding in the order in which you stopped. Well, the sensors on the Google car waited for the other cars to stop, but every other car just inched forward without making a complete stop before proceeding, effectively paralysing the robot car.

The real issue is that autonomous cars are too safe. They can learn to be aggressive but so much of that depends on the culture of the roads in question. So while traffic deaths and incidents are predicted to drop in magnitude significantly with a completely driverless car system, there is this massive hurdle of the transition. Mixing super safe driverless cars with the cars and drivers on the roads today, who certainly do not all fall under the super safe category.

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