
If Apple loses to the FBI, then we could all lose so much more.

Apple is in the midst of a fierce legal battle with the FBI over accessing encrypted information stored on iPhones. Apple has always stood for the highest level of privacy for it's customers. But the FBI is not backing down and wants to build a special OS (operating system) that will become part of the iPhone ecosystem. This OS will allow FBI and other government departments to access information stored on phones through a back door. There are growing concerns over giving the government this kind of access, let alone having a back door there for any Joe Blow to try to exploit.

One thing is for sure, should Apple lose in this matter, be prepared for a terrible precedence. With more and more tech and gadgets being introduced into the market that feature internet connectivity, the 'internet of things' could, and most likely, would be next. That means that government agencies could go after your car data, data stored on your security system and personal data on any other device that can store it.

Just have a look around you and count how many microphones or cameras are pointed at you at any given time. Smart TVs, game consoles, your phone, your computer, your security system. All of these devices should be encrypted but with a ruling in favor of the FBI, that might not even matter.

Even Apple lawyer Ted Olsen predicts an "Orwellian" future should the FBI win this case. Big Brother is watching.

You can watch the interview here


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