
This new dinner technology might save the planet

The world on large is facing a crisis. Extreme climates and the depletion of the ozone from gasses in the atmosphere are not new concepts and have been an issue for several decades. While the public awareness is going up, there still needs to be a significant change to even begin reversing the effects.

What's all this got to do with your dinner? We'll get there, don't worry.

One of the biggest culprits of greenhouse gas emissions is cows. There are estimated, according to the USDA and NASS (National Ag Statistics Services), roughly 30 million beef cows in America alone. These cows emit a huge amount of methane into the air. This is a big problem, but can be rectified by, you guessed it, less cows. But like, a lot less.

There is also a hunger epidemic across the globe with the Save the Children agency estimating that at least 1 in 4 children are stunted as a result of malnutrition.

This is where Memphis Meats comes in. Memphis Meats is a lab that is currently making lab grown meat. It is dubbed "cultured meat" (which sounds far more attractive than "lab grown"), and could be a massive solution to some of humanities biggest problems.

At the moment, the meatball you are looking at costs roughly $18,000 per pound. So, you're likely not going to see it on your dinner plate any time soon. But, just like most things in a capitalist society, many groups are looking at this not just for the environmental factors, but for profit. This is one of those things where a massive benefit for the planet will also be a massive benefit for someone's wallet, so expect it to gain a lot of attention in the coming years.

Here's a video of a girl named Stephanie, who got a chance to taste the very first "cultured meatball".


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