
Pitstops finally come to Google Maps on iOS

There's a new feature on Google maps for iOS. Google map users now have the ability to add a 'pitstop' to their route. While Android users have had this ability for a while, on Apple devices, it was strangely absent.

Well this is the case no longer! Before this feature was available, users would have to plan a trip to their 'pitstop', like a petrol station or something, and then a new rout back to home effectively making two different routes, like a peasant. Now users can add an extra stop into their trip without messing the original route up. Nice!

It pretty easy to use too. While in navigations mode, tap the magnifying glass in the corner and a bunch of options will come up, including 'add a stop'. This will help streamline your whole trip, and any diversions you need to make.

You can even use the microphone to give voice commands to add pitstops. This great cause it means you're not getting all fiddly diddly with your phone while you're supposed to be concentrating on the road.


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